澳门足彩app的规划 + 设计 Collaborative与社区和多个利益相关者合作,重新构想和开发Mayport的核心滨水区,使其成为一个充满活力的城市, 多功能村.



了解澳门足彩app的规划和设计协作如何改变梅波特, 佛罗里达's shoreline into an authentic and vibrant 多功能村.


Mayport, 佛罗里达, is a small community at the mouth of the St. 约翰河 about 25 miles east of Jacksonville. It has a rich history that some historians date to 1562, when French explorer Jean Ribault arrived, while others point to about 1830, 当第一个St. Johns lighthouse was erected.

可以说,它的根源与海运业深深交织在一起. 渔业和第二次世界大战以来梅波特海军基地的存在形成了它的经济基础.

最近, 杰克逊维尔市与澳门足彩app的规划设计合作公司合作,创建了一个两阶段的方法,用于沿着St .开发7英亩的城市财产. 约翰河.

建立在澳门足彩app作为技术强大的设计构建者的确定性的遗产上, plan + 设计 Collaborative精心整合了内部的规划师团队, 架构师, 景观建筑师, 工程师和可视化专家创造有远见的计划,将社区转变为可持续发展的环境.


在这种情况下, 目标是将梅波特的核心滨水区重新开发成一个充满活力的城市, 混合用途村庄,包括三个独特定义的区域, Historic and Working 水front. 克里斯弗拉格, 体系结构 and 工程 Group Operations Principal, 在过去的几年里,一直与社区和城市顾问合作,重建美丽的捕虾村, lending the project his expertise in landscape architecture and design.


What is your biggest hope for the Mayport upgrade?

That it becomes the destination that it so deserves to be. When you look at the opportunity to pay reverence to history, to enjoy the days of a working waterfront, it is more of a personalized scale to where it is not overdone. 我们不想创造一个迪士尼,违背了它的真实性. 梅波特的功能对北佛罗里达来说是如此地道,因为它的捕虾和捕鱼业. 它是坚韧不拔的,它是面向服务的,它是古怪的,所有这些都在同一个句子里.

How much of designing the redevelopment of Mayport is aesthetics vs. 实用性?

There is a practical need and an aesthetic desire for Mayport. 这个社区非常注重规模,不希望任何东西超过两层楼高. We look at coastal cities such as Fernandina, 在康涅狄格的塔蓬泉和神秘海港获得建筑灵感,我们可以在梅波特做什么,满足它的需求,并取悦它的社区. 梅波特是一块瑰宝,值得明智地开发,而不是过度商业化. 我们的目标是让它尽可能地有机和真实地发展.


它的一切. The community has to support it. The demographic is changing in Mayport. 老梅波特不希望看到变化,也不希望看到游客的大量涌入. They didn’t want their history suffocated. But the demographic is changing and with that, the vision has been changing for the first time in years. 人类的基础设施已经到位,可以实现这一愿景,成为其中的一部分是很酷的.

I see this hardworking culture in Mayport, 就海洋生态而言,有太多的历史和太多的教训需要学习, 气候变化, 海平面上升. So, 我们能在尊重过去的同时,展望未来,了解海洋和海洋产业的现状吗?


How long will this project be from start to finish?

We are currently in the planning phase, and we want to set a development guideline and say, “If you’re going to build, it can’t be over two stories, it’s going to have canopies and a low-country, coastal-style type of architecture.“必须有人站出来说,他们想以这种方式发展它. But they are setting their plan of action in place, and it could take years still, and it’s already been a few years, but we are closer now than we were.


正是我与梅波特社区30年的关系,让他们决定选择我们与他们一起实现这一愿景. 我们的规划与设计协作组织的存在是为了让自己沉浸在这样的社区中,进行明智的规划. With the leadership of Fred Jones, 我们的设计总监, 还有我在这里的经历, 我们正在努力建立一个基础,使澳门足彩app成为一家从规划到施工的全方位服务公司. This would be a huge feather in the 澳门足彩app cap, 对于我们的团队来说,让公司与这个历史悠久的小镇联系在一起是一项巨大的成就.

从城市和校园到交通网络和自然环境, our 规划 + 设计 Collaborative plans, designs and implements people-focused solutions. 联系团队 to discuss your hopes and needs.

澳门足彩app delivers $2± billion annually in 体系结构, 工程, 建筑(AEC)和咨询解决方案,以确保全球复杂资本项目的确定性结果. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, single-source design-build and EPC firm with over 2,400 highly specialized, 内部设计, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. With 25+ office locations around the globe, 澳门足彩app is a trusted partner for global and emerging clients.

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