这里曾经是达拉斯到堪萨斯城的公路和芝加哥到洛杉矶的贸易路线的十字路口, 两条州际公路, I-44和I-235, 现在相交. I-44走廊上横贯大陆的交通日益增加,南北铁路交通繁忙,因此需要对立交进行关键且具有挑战性的更新. 班, 哈斯克尔公司, was selected for its team’s big-picture vision for the interchange, insightful attention to construction traffic control, 强大的桥梁设计人员和创新的解决方案,以尽量减少对旅行公众的干扰.
该项目分为五个建筑合同,估计总费用为2.2亿美元, 这是当时俄克拉荷马州交通部(ODOT)历史上最大的项目成本. Two phases of the project were significant firsts in state history. One was the first four-level highway interchange on the ODOT highway system. The other was the erection of two railroad truss spans, each measuring 275 yards long and 45 feet high and weighing 2 million pounds, to carry a single mainline track for the BNSF Railroad. 班精心制作了项目文件,指导承包商使用加速桥梁施工(ABC)技术, 在最终位置以北1/4英里处进行桁架构件组装,并使用自行式模块化运输(spmt)将桁架移动到适当位置.
贝纳姆的创新规划使得大桥能够在高速公路全面关闭的两天半的周末进行. The SPMTs stopped to enable trains to pass unhindered throughout, yet work concluded nearly a full day ahead of schedule, before the Monday-morning rush hour. 进一步, 高达30英尺的挡土墙采用“切线桩”配置,使用相邻的钻孔井来设计,以保留现有的堤防. 这种创新的施工技术允许项目在不搬迁毗邻企业或干扰铁路路堤的情况下进行. 最终, 由ODOT和班精心策划,由承包商熟练执行, the project was completed nearly a year ahead of the original schedule.
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